Airdata owns a few Cessna's that are equipped with dual-camera ports also certified SkyIMD wing pod sensor systems which allow us to fly 4+ sensors at the same time on one aircraft. Also arrangements with several different aviation companies to allow for quick deployment anywhere worldwide. We have the ability to adapt to other fixed-wing airframes as we have flown a variety of single and multi-engine airframes, including most single-engine Cessnas, Cirrus, a Cessna 310, and a Twin Commander.
For rotorcraft, we have integrated and flown on a Bell 206 and a Bell 409. For Fixed-wing we have worked with most single-engine Cessnas and a cirrus. for multi-engine aircraft a Cessna 310 and a twin commander.
We have availability over a wide collection of UAV's nationwide if needed for smaller-scale work.
Standard RGB sensors from Canon and Nikon with a wide variety of optics, also a calibrated Phase One 100mp and 150mp in RGB and NIR. Several FLIR sensors from LWIR to a cooled MWIR, availability over Swir sensors, and a Hyperspectral system from Korning.
Good understanding and experience with the FAA, we worked on and created several STC's. We have a good working relationship with the FSDO, DAR's, and DER's for executing modifications on FAA-certified aircraft.
About Us
Our CEO, Henri Wolf has done much development and flights with various sensors to meet customers' needs. Manufacturers include FLIR, United Technologies, Sony, Canon, Nikon, Phase One Korning, and Sensors Unlimited. Additionally system integration, STC certification, and certification flights for the FAA.